Okay, I admit it. I’m terrible with New Year’s Resolutions.

Which is the reason I don’t make many. Some years I haven’t made any at all. At least that way there was no sense of failure.

However, I’ve finally realized what my problem with these pesky things is–I’m setting the bar too high.

Here’s my list for this year:

  1. Loose twenty pounds.  (See what I mean? Way too high!)
  2. Publish two books. (Sounds pretty ambitious, doesn’t it? But I have one book already in edits and the other is more than half-way done. And BTW, in this day and age, finishing two books a year is not considered ambitious.)
  3. Learn WordPress and redo my website. (Yay! done! Okay, not done, done, because I’m still learning and no doubt will make some changes.)
  4. Start a blog. (And, voila!) (Notice I said ‘start’ a blog. I’m not chaining myself to writing every day week month. There’s that bar again.)
  5. Do more promotion for my novels. Eek! I stuck this one at the end of the list (no one needs more than five New Year’s Resolutions – and yes, I realize since I crossed out number one this only makes four) because it’s the hardest. Again I used a very vague term – ‘more’ – to keep that bar from rising above my reach. Because pretty much any promotion will qualify, since at this point, I don’t do squat. Oh, I have the required Facebook page, twitter account, Amazon author page and this, my web site.

I’ve been fooling myself by thinking these were good promotional tools. But they are just a start. A very small first step up the steep ladder called PROMOTION. I know I’ll have to up my game this year if I want someone not personally related to me to actually read my book(s). (If you’re reading this and you are not a relative, please drop by Amazon and buy my book.) Golly, does that count as promotion? I hope so!

Today being the second day of February, I’m feeling pretty good about this year’s resolutions. I’ve accomplished two already. This may give me a false sense of security, so check back from time to time and  see how I’m doing.

Meanwhile, feel free to leave a comment about the whole issue of New Year’s Resolutions. Did you make any? Let me know!